ABC 7 Chicago
Featuring some of the most influential, successful and inspirational people in Chicago. ABC 7 journalists will take turns profiling a Chicagoan whose story they’ve wanted to tell, someone who has impressed them personally and made a name for themselves in the community. Take a look as we dive in to the lives of these great people in our streaming series "Black & Powerful" and "Our Chicago".
Follow Us: Website: www.abc7chicago.com |
Facebook: @abc7chicago | Youtube: @abc7chicago
Client: ABC 7 Chicago
Services: Broadcast Production - Director of Photography
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The Powerhouse Chicago
The Powerhouse Chicago under the leadership of Bishop William Hudson III & Pastor Andria Hudson. The Powerhouse Chicago, the place that uses Prayer, Praise, Preaching, and the Prophetic to usher you into the Presence of God, emPOWERING you for a life that is 10X Better! (Daniel 1:20)
For More Information:
Follow Us: Facebook: @thepowerhousechicago |
YouTube: archbishopwilliamhudsoniii
Client: The Powerhouse Chicago
Services: Jib Operator

Our pricing for video production services varies depending on the specific needs of each project. We provide customized quotes based on the scope of work, pre-production requirements, equipment needs, and post-production requirements. We offer competitive rates and flexible packages that meet the needs and budget of any project.