Before photos

After photos

Media Ministry Installation
Mt. Carmel Children Of God Baptist Church, located on the Southwest-side of Chicago, is cut from a more traditional cloth of worship.
Mt. Carmel's mission and vision is not only to know Jesus and to make him known by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Chicagoland area and throughout the world; but they noticed the culture has changed, and the church realized that their Media and Audio department were no longer able to reproduce the vision of what they now needed.
For More Information:
Follow Us: Facebook: @mtcarmelbaptist5141 |
YouTube: mtcarmelchildrenofGodbaptistchurch
Client: Mt. Carmel Children of God Baptist Church
Services: Installation/Integration - Equipment Management Training
Integration Partners:

Our pricing for video production services varies depending on the specific needs of each project. We provide customized quotes based on the scope of work, pre-production requirements, equipment needs, and post-production requirements. We offer competitive rates and flexible packages that meet the needs and budget of any project.